The word “epic” inevitably appears in every description of this album, and for good reason. From the very first track, the album delivers a grand, dramatic, and epic sound. As a double album, it feels like the soundtrack to the most fantastic movie imaginable.

The main singles, “Midnight City” and “Steve McQueen,” are indescribable in their brilliance. By the time each reaches the chorus, they have built up to such a peak that celebration is the only response. Tracks like “Reunion” and “Wait” further exemplify the album’s vast emotional and sonic range, each bringing its own unique intensity and beauty.

With 22 tracks, the album includes beautiful short instrumental pieces interspersed throughout. Anthony Gonzalez’s vocal performances are exceptional, going all out in ways he hadn’t on previous albums. Many moments that might seem out of place or excessive elsewhere, like the saxophone solo at the end of “Midnight City,” the funky slap bass on “Claudia Lewis,” and the blown-out shoegaze sound and vocals on “New Map,” all fit perfectly here. The “Outro” exemplifies this—what might seem over the top in another context is the ideal ending for this album.

This album holds a special place in my heart, providing solace during some of the toughest times in my life.

Hurry Up, We're Dreaming - M83 (2011)